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​福武慎太郎/Shintaro FUKUTAKE

上智大学総合グローバル学部 教授​​​

Professor, Department of Global Studies, Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University



 I specialize in cultural anthropology and Southeast Asian studies, in particular in Timor Leste and Indonesia. I conducted my field research in the border area between Timor Leste and Indonesia and had worked for issues such as violence, refugee, and reconciliation from anthropological perspective in those areas. Currently I have more focused on coffee production by Timorese small holders and their daily life in a mountain village in Timor Leste.

     I was working for a Japanese NGO as a community development officer in East Timor, 2001-2002.

Researchers Introduction: 概要

​土屋喜生/Kisho TSUCHIYA

​京都大学東南アジア地域研究所 助教​​

Assistant Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University

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I became interested in the diverse Timorese historical experience and political thinking through my experience as an electoral officer of the United Nations' Electoral Support Team in Timor-Leste. I was trained in Southeast Asian Studies and History, and my work reconsiders the categories of global history such as colonialism, decolonization, the Cold War, nation-building and smuggling through investigation of histories of Southeast Asian borderlands and peripheral zones.

Researchers Introduction: 概要

​須藤玲/Rei SUDOH​​


Doctoral Program (Education), Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo


現在博士課程にて、東ティモールの教育、特に就学前~初等教育における教授言語問題について研究をしています。多言語国家である東ティモールの学校教育現場では、教授言語(授業を行う際に用いられる言語)が近年課題となっており、質の高い教育を行っていく上で避けては通れないトピックとなっております。そうした状況の中で、どのような教授言語モデルや教育システムが、こうした課題を克服しうるのかを、「母語を基礎とした多言語教育(MTB-MLE: Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education)」の適用可能性の検討を通じて、研究しております。

Research interest is about Timor-Leste’s Education, especially on language of instruction issues in pre-primary/primary education sector. Recently this language of instruction issue has been recognized as inevitable topic to secure the quality of education in multilingual society, Timor-Leste. In this research, I am focusing on the applicability of MTB-MLE (Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education) practice in three distant districts in Timor-Leste, to consider valid educational model which tackles this educational issue in Timor-Leste.

Researchers Introduction: 概要

​麻場美利亜/Miria ASABA


Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

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My first time field work in Timor-Leste was held when I was a senior year of undergraduate school. 

Since then, I have visited Timor-Leste four times, once in six months, until the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The MA thesis that I wrote was about Lulik culture and Catholicism's relationship in Oecusse, where the first place that the Portuguese missionaries arrived in 1515, with focusing on local people's Lulik traditions.

I am continuing the research about Lulik and Catholicism in Oecusse, Timor-Leste. Current research topic is about the process of  coexistence of Catholic Church and local Lulik culture in Oecusse.

Researchers Introduction: 概要
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